To maintain a healthy complexion, skin cleansing treatment is very important. As dead skin cells are exfoliated and younger cells are exposed, the skin condition and appearance improves with cleansing treatment. This is also vital for skin as it minimizes the chances of skin irritation and blemishes because dirt,
pollutants and makeup from the surface of the skin is removed after cleansing treatment. cleansing also reduces the sebum and sweat from skin and prepares the skin for further treatments.
Cleansing involves two types of manual processes means deep cleansing and superficial
cleansing. In superficial
cleansing, for removing dirt, grease on skin surface and makeup from the skin, light-weight cleansing preparations are applied. Heavier
cleansing creams are applied for deep cleansing of the skin. This ensures the presence of a
higher proportion of oils in the cream and this gives a good massage onto the skin’s
surface. This also helps the cream to absorb into the pores and to cleanse the skin completely.
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